In the current scenario where the world is struck by the novel Corona virus outbreak, over 120 million people lost their jobs. It’s safe to say that the world will never be the same. But not all industries have been hit the same by stress causing pandemic- COVID-19.

Many industries remain unchanged, while others come up with better solutions to ensure that the jobs remain, despite social distancing and lockdowns. Even during this difficult time, Zaportive makes things easier for you, faster, and safer to find, remote jobs that are full-time and part-time, and freelance jobs

While governments and citizens are finding innovative ways to come out of this unprecedented catastrophe, let us have a look at the impact of COVID19 on the future of jobs.


Full-time Jobs will reduce and Gig economy will rule the world

What is a gig? Gigs are short term, decently paid, professional projects that can be done by anyone with minimal guidance. Unlike the traditional idea of internship, these assignments typically range from 8 to 45hours of work, and many of these can be completed remotely.

During this era of the pandemic, companies will move more to hire gigs, freelancers, part-time workers, and a contractual workforce to carry out more and more jobs they need. Companies will look forward to reducing their fixed employees and find ways to outsource everything except absolute core jobs. Visit Zaportive to choose jobs that suit your profile from the wide-ranging options available on our platform.

Remote work will become the new norm

Gradually homes will start having office rooms to qualify for jobs in the future. Social distancing being enforced will make a drastic change in social behaviour and more people will work remotely encouraging social distancing as an accepted norm for a longer period.

New jobs will be created

Even though new situations take away millions of jobs, new ones will be created soon. With COVID19, the digital economy will receive a major boost and create more job opportunities for technology professionals. A drastic change that will start happening is ‘localization’. With reduced travel and possibilities of reduced global trade, local economies will re-emerge and start creating small job opportunities that were destroyed by massive globalization.

Fitment will overrule qualifications

High degrees and qualifications will no longer matter as much as they did earlier. People who will learn quickly to fit into new jobs will be given priority

People will not leave hope and continue trying new opportunities

Small ventures will continue to perish under this changed scenario and will create new jobs. The will power of people will win all the negativity and help the economy come back to tracks faster than before. A lot of new entrepreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs will take birth.
Whatever the current situations are when it comes to the job search; Zaportive understands you and is ready to help you will all the concerns about your job.

Posted in General.